Thursday, June 17, 2010


Do you ever feel like you need a peaceful moment to breathe? I do. The last few years, the last few months in particular, have been crazy. And I've been on edge. Just trying to hold on. Protecting my kiddos and trying to survive. But it's been a long time since I've just stopped to smell the roses.

About 20 minutes ago, I got my kiddos comfy. My boys are showing my oldest daughter how to color. And they're all watching Sesame Street. My little girl was ready for her mid-morning feeding. And the laundry is doing it's thing in the washing machine.

So I snuggled up with my little peanut on the sofa and she started to eat. I just sat there watching my kiddos love each other. And be relaxed and feel safe for the first time in forever! Honestly, it filled my heart with so much joy! My kids are my entire world. I hope they really know that. I would do anything for them.

It's the little things in life that I now enjoy. But most of all, I enjoy feeling safe in my own home. I love seeing my kiddos happy and healthy. Nothing has brought me so much peace as to see them play together. To give each other a kiss when the other has helped them. I know we're going to make it. :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

They're All Sleeping

Not even I can believe it. My kiddos are all napping right now. I know that probably sounds strange. But it's just after noon here. And we're usually trying to eat lunch. But I do believe, they're all tuckered out from this weekend. The heat also tires them out pretty quickly.

So I'm trying to catch up on the laundry. Not ours, but the laundry I do for work. It's already so hot out. The boys want to be outside all the time. But I really can't let them. After 10 days of 100+ temps, it's finally going to only be 97 today. Blah! This heat is killing us!

But things are going a little better. Counseling for the kids seems to be going in a positive direction. Hubby isn't allowed near us. It still saddens me that our life has become this. That he has changed so much. But I need to stay strong for my kiddos. They need and deserve a better life.

I probably should get some lunch before the baby wakes up. She likes to wake up half way through her nap for some lunch. And a little cuddling time with me. :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

River Rafts

This is a picture that was in the local newspaper. I heard about this raft contest that was going on here. So I covered my kiddos in sunscreen, packed lots of water and snacks, and we went to watch.

It was a lot of fun. There were so many good rafts. They had to be hand built. And most of them had some kind of theme. It was a lot of fun! And better, it was completely free for us to watch.

I had been feeling a little bummed out. I was invited to a wedding today. For some friends. But I just couldn't figure out how to get 4 kids and myself dressed for this formal wedding, without breaking the bank.

But this event was something that took our minds off of that. And it was so much fun! When we got home, the boys and I built some toys rafts out of paper and straws. We let them float in a bucket of water. It was really a good day. :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hair Bows

I dream about little things like hair bows. I wish I could afford to buy my little girls some. I know it probably sounds ridiculous. But at $12 a bow, or even a set of 2, it's definitely out of our budget.

Being a momma of 4. And being single. It's tough. Especially when the only real job I can take is working for my friend on his Ranch. Because there is no way I could afford childcare. But my Dear Lord is helping me to provide for my kiddos. And we have our necessities. But one day, I'd like to buy a couple of ribbons for my little girls.

Like these cute ladybugs. I think they'd be adorable for Spring and Summer. :)

Or these little cork screws. Oh, I've always liked these!

And just look at all these colors! What little girl wouldn't love to wear some of these cute bows? One day, I know God is sending us down a different path. And one day, these little things, I'll be able to afford. :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Around here, it's been really hot lately. So bad, that I can't let my kiddos go outside. I have them inside, with the AC on as high as it will go. We're on our 3rd straight day of 110 degrees. Tomorrow, we're supposed to be 107. The weatherman said it's a cold front. Ugh!

I just wish that the temps would drop about 15 degrees. That is a lot more doable. My sons have been begging to go outside. The only time that it's really comfortable to be outside is between 5-8am. You can find us all outside in our pjs. :)

But I'm grateful for the people I work with. I work on a Ranch. And we're lucky enough, that we get to live on the Ranch too. There are lots of families that live here. And our boss, well his a good friend of mine. All the guys have been really good about helping me. Especially with this heat.

I do all the laundry for the Ranch. Even the animals blankets. The guys have been bringing everything for me in the evenings when they come home. And they take out the clean stuff and deliver it in the mornings. Otherwise, I'm not sure how I'd get it done. Because piling up 4 kiddos and all this laundry, in this heat, it has disaster written all over it. God, do you think we can at least dip back into the 90s? :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010


About 3 weeks ago, I noticed these little green leaves starting to poke out of the ground. I didn't know what they were. But I asked my neighbor. She told me that they are Lirios. So I started to water them. We have them all the way around our house.

As they started to come up more and more, I realized they are Irises. Around here, they call them Lirios. It's the spanish name for an Iris.

Well, our flowers are getting pretty big. And all of them are purple! They've grown the stalk with the flower. But I would say they're still probably a week or so away from blooming. I can't wait to see them when they bloom! :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Our neighbor built a sandbox for his kids. It's really cute. Almost looks like this one. But the one he built is bigger, and has a cover to put on it when the kiddos aren't playing.

The sandbox is under the tree that we share. And they invite my kiddos over all the time to play. Today, my son asked for a sandbox. He just loves digging in the dirt. Both of my boys do really. And they like playing with their trucks in there too.

My kiddos are really good at sharing. But when there are 10 kiddos trying to share the same real estate, I'm thinking it can get pretty smooshed in there.

I recently seen a decent sized one at Wal-Mart. With a little umbrella. For $115. I know, that's a lot. Especially for us. But I'm thinking of saving all my change. The recently emptied PB jar should be a nice place to save it. And hopefully, by the end of summer I can afford one. They usually put these things on sale at the end of summer too! :)